Thursday, 12 July 2018

Paper Testing Equipment De-Mystified

Unless someone has lived in a cave way up high the mountains, it would be safe to say that almost everyone has come into contact with paper. We have seen newspapers, packaging paper, paper from books and the really glossy ones from the magazines. Paper comes in varying degrees of thickness, weight, color, gauge and grade. Having said that, does anyone wonder how the paper manufacturers come up with these things? Ever wonder how paper is gauged? Ever wonder why bond paper, which look the same as the next one on the shelf have a slightly higher price? The answer to all these questions lie in the Paper Testing equipment which is being sold by select manufacturers and distributed all over the world. The paper tests determine a lot of things and ultimately, it determines the price of paper you find for sale on the shelf.

Paper Testing Equipment

Let’s talk about these tests for a bit. No matter what the Paper Testing equipment is called. The tests and functions are the same, we have machines which test

  • Tear
  • Coefficient of friction (COF)
  • Gauge

Say what? The paper in your hands have gone through machines to be able to measure its quality. I’m also betting that the paper in your hands have made its runs through a dryer. For something as simple as a piece of paper, it is a little mindboggling to think about the numerous processes and tests it has gone through.
Think about all the equipment needed to do all these things! The next time you see a piece of paper, stop for a moment and think about how far our technology has come. From the processes of ancient times to this modern-day age, the humble piece of paper is being backed by manufacturing equipment giants.

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